Obrecht: Missa "Caput" - Capella Cordina - DOWNLOAD ONLY LEMS-8085
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Back in the 1970s, musical scholar and choral director Alejandro Planchart was busily directing and recording historically informed productions of often obscure but vital liturgical Medieval and Renaissance music, in an age when this type of repertoire did not yet attract the growing audience that it enjoys today. His group, The Capella Cordina recorded in the fine acoustics of Yale University's Marquand Chapel and the recordings were engineered by the now internationally renowned recording engineer Fred Bashour, then himself a graduate student at Yale.In this recording, we hear the Capella Cordina perform the Missa Caput and two motets by the most famous composer of masses in Europe in the late 15th century during his lifetime (until Josquin), the Franco-Flemish master, Jacob Obrecht (c.1457 – 1505)
1 Salve crux, arbor vitae 11:22
2 Kyrie (Obrecht-Missa "Caput") 4:06
3 Gloria (Obrecht-Missa "Caput") 9:26
4 Credo (Obrecht-Missa "Caput") 9:14
5 Sanctus (Obrecht-Missa "Caput") 8:58
6 Agnus Dei (Obrecht-Missa "Caput") 7:48
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