The Robert Noehren Retrospective - Robert Noehren at St. John's Cathedral, Milwaukee DOWNLOAD ONLY LYR-6005
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Organist, organ builder, composer and Grand Prix du Disque winner Robert Noehren is a brilliant recitalist whose many concerts, world tours and recordings have made his name familiar to anyone seriously interested in the pipe organ. He has spent much of his life designing and building several of the most revered and important organs of this century. Here is a stunning collection of his memorable and dazzling interpretations of Langlais, Tournemire, Messiaen, Franck, Regar, Bach and others, performed on the organ he built at St. John's Cathedral in Milwaukee, as well as two other instruments. Gorgeously mastered by fellow organist and engineer Hal Chaney, The Robert Noehren Retrospective stands as a thrilling highlight of the most discerning organ-lover's CD collection.
Balzac wrote, 'The organ is in truth the grandest, the most daring, the most magnificent of all musical instruments invented by human genius.'
"To hear a noble prelude of Bach soaring through the high vaults of a gothic church, or the mystical quality of a Franck choral in the atmosphere of a French Cathedral is an experience never to be forgotten. We dream of hearing a great organ. I too have dreamed, and it is this idea of a great organ that has become part of my becoming an organ builder." -Robert Noehren
1. Hymne d'action de Grace, Te Deum - 4:11
2. Pasticcio - 2:05
3. Prelude to the Introit - 1:31
4. Offertory - 4:08
5. Elevation - 1:05
6. Communion - 2:15
7. Paraphrase-Carillon - 9:07
8. Toccata - 4:55
9. Fugue - 7:14
10. Communion - 6:18
11. Piece Heroique - 7:42
12. Hommage a Josquin des Pres - 5:02
13. Toccata - 2:44
14. Fugue - 3:34
15. So long as the mind keeps silent - 7:28
Read article and tributes to the late Robert Noehren in The Diapason
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