JVCVOL30 - Oceania II -- Polynesia (Tahiti, Marquesas, W. Samoa, Tonga, etc.), New Zealand - Vol 30
This video is part of the JVC Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the World
Polynesia - Vol 30
30-1 Excerpts from a drama
30-2 Himene-tarava - song
30-3 Ote'a - dance with drums
30-4 Ute - narrative song
30-5 Aparima - hand dance: "O Vai'ete rahi" ("Magnificent Vai'ete")
Marquesas Islands
30-6 Putu - song with hand-clapping
30-7 Song and dance from the Marquesas
30-8 Tape'a - sitting dance song
Western Samoa
30-9 Fa'ataupati - men's body slapping dance
30-10 Ma'ulu'ulu - sitting dance and chorus
30-11 Sasa - group dance
30-12 Seated dance
30-13 Ula - standing dance
30-14 Prelude to ma'ulu'ulu
30-15 Ma'ulu'ulu - sitting dance while singing
30-16 Me'etu'upaki - men's paddle dance
30-17 Lakalaka - men's and women's dance with mixed chorus
30-18 Seasca - women's standing dance
30-19 Meke wesi - men's spear dance
30-20 "Isa Lei" ("Farewell Song") Tokelau Islands
30-21 Songs and dances Cook Islands
30-22 Kaparima - hand dance: "Taku mann e" ("O my bird")
30-23 Kaparima - hand dance: "Onakura"
30-24 'Ura pa'u - drum dance
Tuvalu Islands
30-25 Fa'atele - dances with songs and percussion
30-26 Parting song
New Zealand
30-27 Haka poi-ball dance: "Pa mai" ("Please listen") and "Manu rere" (" A bird's wings")
30-28 Tititorea - short stick dance: "E hine hoki" ("She will come home to my house")
30-29 Maori love song: "Pokarekare ana"
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